Freemax TX Mesh Series Coils – TX1 / TX1 SS316L / TX2 / TNX2 / TX3 / TX4


SKU: JWN1612154044471 Categories: ,


– Tea Fibre Cotton

– 5 coils in a Pack

TX4 Mesh Coil:
– Type: Kanthal Quad Coil
– Resistance: 0.15Ω
– Power Range: 40-80W
– Recommended: 70W

TX3 Mesh Coil:
– Type: Kanthal Triple Coil
– Resistance: 0.15Ω
– Power Range: 50-90W
– Recommended: 80W

TNX2 Mesh Coil:
– TypeKanthal Double Coil
– Resistance: 0.5Ω
– Power Range: 20-50W
– Recommended: 40W

TX2 Mesh Coil:
– TypeKanthal Double Coil
– Resistance: 0.2Ω
– Power Range: 40-80W
– Recommended: 70W

TX1 Mesh Coil:
– TypeKanthal Single Coil
– Resistance: 0.15Ω
– Power Range: 40-90W
– Recommended: 80W

TX1 SS316L Mesh Coil:
– TypeSS316L Single Coil
– Resistance: 0.12Ω
– Power Range: 400°F~550°F
– Recommended: 500°F
(Make sure the wattage below 60W when using Twister Mod)

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